Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." Create a safer, more efficient, home and business. We can help.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." 

 Do you ever wonder what the future may bring...to your home, or to your business?
Of course you do.
You care that they are safe, and you care that they are not being wasteful or are somehow doing harm.
Create a safer, more efficient, home and business.
We can help.
It starts with energy. And it may depend upon it always being there.

 We, at Mecklenburg Electric, understand your concerns.
As bad weather approaches, we want to be sure to have sufficient back-up power, in case the main power goes out. We can solve this problem. Do it all the time. Happy to help.

But as energy prices climb and climb, we also want to prepare, in advance, with the best, greenest, most energy-efficient, appliances, systems and such to keep these costs to a minimum.
We can do this too.
 We want to help Charlotte, and Mecklenburg, and North Carolina become a leader in clean, green living.
Our children and grandchildren will thank us. Indeed, our own bodies will thank us.
This is the focus, and vision, of our business.
Protect you, the client, with reliable energy, and protect your wallets as well, by helping you save money, and by keeping you up to date on the latest in energy efficient products.
If you are in, or near the greater Charlotte area, and would like a quote (hopefully not by Shakespeare) or some personal attention to an electrical or energy matter regarding your home or business, please give us a call.


Thank you,
George Kirby
Owner, Mecklenburg Electric Company of Charlotte


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